Selasa, 26 Februari 2008

Why Do Overseas Chinese Survive?

Most people in the West know how the Jewish people survivedearly on with no country of their own because of their faith in their God. Not that many people in the West or in the world know the plight of the overseas Chinese who survived and did not perish,due to their faith inBodhisattva Kwan Sai Yin Pusa and the Amithaba Buddha after they had left their motherland China. The overseas Chinese were that overwhelming big group of Chinese people who fled their mother country, China, in the late 1800s and early 1900s because of poor economic conditions in the motherland and were not only forced to go toother countries for their own survival but had to send money back home to China to help the remaining family members survive. These overseas Chinese did not have much education except their wit and their willingness to work hard and their unwavering faith in:(1) Bodhisattva Kwan Yin Pusa to help them with whatever suffering they might be facing on this earth and in the Southeast Asian country they happened to land in, and in(2) Amithaba Buddha so that even if they were to die in hardship outside of China, they would be reborn in the Pure Landby the grace of Amithaba Buddha,where all the overseas Chinese were to have a reunion someday. There must be truth in what I am writing as tears of "piti" flow down my cheeks as I am sharing this with all of you how Buddhism,especially the Mahayana Buddhism, saved my ancestors, kept my ancestors alive, and also strengthened the gene pool for survival,from which I was born. The media reminds the world ever so frequently of the millions of Jews killed in Europe but never highly publicizes the millions of overseas Chinese who were killed or died of hardship in the Southeast Asian countries they fled to or most importantly never publicizes how they had survived against all odds and yet became rich and famous in the countries where they landed, which was phenomenal to me.They were never quite recognized and credited for the feat they accomplished by their faith in the Mahayanist Buddhism.Even up to this day, the descendants of those earlier overseas Chinese, like myself, continue to have faith in both the Kwan Yin Pusa and in Amithaba Buddha. The faith has kept us alive, has allowed us now to want to practice the true Buddhism even more so we can become the true disciples of the Gautama or the Sakyamuni Buddha.Our last Buddha told us about the existence ofAmithaba Buddha and Kwan Yin Pusa through the Amithaba Buddha sutra that HE preached to King Bamisara and his Queenwhen they were dying and imprisoned by their son.Because of attaining total enlightenment, the Buddha was able to see way in the past and thus to the Buddhas of the past, one of whom was the Amithaba Buddha and His disciple Kwan Yin Pusa. I thus offer my deepest bows to Gautama or Sakyamuni Buddha for having shown us all the truth of the past, present, and future and for having left for usDharma to practice and a Sangha we can draw support fromfor our practice.~ Desmond Chiong

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