Minggu, 09 Maret 2008

Filsafat Budha

Enlightenment--that magnificent escape from anguish and ignorance--never happens by accident. It results from the brave and sometimes lonely battle of one person against his own weaknesses.-Bhikkhu Nyanasobhano, "Landscapes of Wonder"
Copyright Wisdom Publications 2001. Reprinted from "Daily Wisdom: 365 Buddhist Inspirations," edited by Josh Bartok, with permission of Wisdom Publications, 199 Elm St., Somerville MA 02144 U.S.A, www.wisdompubs.org.

Rigpa Glimpse of the Day Sometimes we have fleeting glimpses of the nature of mind. These can be inspired by an exalting piece of music, by the serene happiness we sometimes feel in nature, or by the most ordinary everyday situation. They can arise simply while watching snow slowly drifting down, or seeing the sun rising behind a mountain, or watching a shaft of light falling into a room in a mysteriously moving way. Such moments of illumination, peace, and bliss happen to us all and stay strangely with us. I think we do, sometimes, half understand these glimpses. But then, modern culture gives us no context or framework in which to comprehend them. Worse still, rather than encouraging us to explore them more deeply and discover where they spring from, we are told in both obvious and subtle ways to shut them out. We know that no one will take us seriously if we try to share them. So we ignore what could be really the most revealing experiences of our lives, if only we understood them. This is perhaps the darkest and most disturbing aspect of modern civilization—its ignorance and repression of who we really are .

Rigpa Glimpse of the Day When we die we leave everything behind, especially this body we have cherished so much and relied upon so blindly and tried so hard to keep alive. But our minds are no more dependable than our bodies. Just look at your mind for a few minutes. You will see that it is like a flea, constantly hopping to and fro. You will see that thoughts arise without any reason, without any connection. Swept along by the chaos of every moment, we are the victims of the fickleness of our minds. If this is the only state of consciousness we are familiar with, then to rely on our minds at the moment of death is an absurd gamble.

Self: Have & HoldYou can't have it all. Where would you put it?~ Mark TwainIf you let go of all things, what is not yours? *If you let go of “you”, what can be “yours”? **The less possessive you are, the more you enjoy.When you are not even possessive of “your” illusion of “self”, you are free.~shian

Orang yang licik sering menjadi korban kelicikan sendiri

Orang yang terlalu percaya biasanya tidak punya kemampuan

Jika sebuah masalah ada jalan keluarnya, ada sesuatuyang bisa kamu lakukan, maka tidak perlu kuatir. Jikamasalah tersebut tidak bisa diselesaikan, kekuatiran juga tidak akan membantu apa-apa

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