Senin, 03 Maret 2008

The Perfect Man has no self; the Holy Man has no merit; the Sage has no fame.Chuang Tzu

Life is a Journey. You need to be prepared When the journey ends Where you will disembark. Palms together Deep bows Des boo ngoh
Do not know what to do?

Some really are at a big loss not knowing what to do when they die or when one of their family members or a close relative or one of their friends dies.

Pray for people like that.
It's like people like this travel abroad and when the travel is over they don't know where they should go back to.

We are here as cosmic travelers and when the journey here ends we need to go to another realm.
The Bodhisattvas who have made the vows to save other human beings, know for sure they will come back as humans.

The Pure Landers know for sure thay will head to Pure Land.

If you do not knnw for sure where you will be heading you will randomly end up in of the six
of the following: deva realm, asura realm, human realm, animal realm petta realm, hell realm.

If you like the excitement of randomness then you do not need to know where you will go.
You let chance plays the game on you.

And if your family member, relative, or friend dies you do not need to know what to do for them
Because you do not care where they will end up in, you will just let chance plays out it's game
on them like in a gambling game.

For a lot of people to suffer a loss brings a temporary sadness and a few days later they go about their meery way thinking delusionally they will live forever and there is no place they will go
after death.

Pray for them but don't go scare them. it's not good to scare any one.
Many have lost faith in other religions because they were scared of going to hell.
Here in Buddhism we do not scare anyone.

We just share the plain Truth and we share too that you have the power to choose and to prepare
for yourself and for your family, your rrealtives and your friends where you and them can go
after death.

Palms together
Deep bows,

Why share?

It's like saying why care?
If you care you sahre.
If you don't care you don't share.
It's that simple.

Sharing is also an act of generosity that has to be practiced.
If you are not used to giving you will not be used to sharing.
If you simply do not care and do not wish to give, you do not wish to share.
Is it asking too much to share???
Is it asking too much after all that you have received, to share some of your own?

Is it asking you too much to do good?? and you say no, thank you!!!!
It's like a double low blow to the person who has asked and who has given.
Sharing is also a letting go.
No matter how much a Buddhist a person is, no matter how much that Buddhist says
he/she has practiced, if he/she does not share, that just means he/she has not learned to let go.

You can't make advancement in your meditation practice, especially Samatha practice, if you do not let go.
If you do not let go in your practice you will not let go in life and you will not share in life.
Whether you are a house holder or not if you don't share you should think if you really do care?
If you care for Buddha Dharma Sangha????

It's that simple.
No, i need no super natural power.
I can just tell, you do not practice letting go and you are not an advanced meditator from not sharing.

Share does not have to a a scare.
Unless you are a control freak and want to keep everything you have to yourself, share is not scare.
Share is care.
Share is also a form of prayer.
Through sharing you pray silently others can benefit from what you have shared.

If sharing is such a diffcult thing for you to do, reflect on what kind of a person you are?
What kind of a Buddhist you are?
How you are doing in your practice?
How much faith and respect you have for Buddha Dharma Sangha?????

Palms together
Deep bows,

Buddha Dharma Sangha:

As Buddhists we depend on Buddha Dharma Sangha for, in them we have sought refuge and protection.
That's a narrow way of looking at it.
We need to also look at it this way that, as Buddhists
We ought to have faith in and support Buddha Dharma Sangha.

Before becoming a Buddhist everyone has the right to doubt.
It's like before being born you have the choice of who you wish to have as parents.
But after we are born then who ever our parents are, they are our parents indeed.

So, before becoming Buddhists have as much doubt as you wish.
But after you examine everything and you have found it to be True and you have become a Buddhist,
then you need to have faith in and support Buddha Dharma Sangha.
Buddhists and Buddha Dharma Sangha inter-relate, and depend on each other.
And that's the law of Nature, that's Dharma.

Palms together
Deep bows,

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