Selasa, 26 Februari 2008

Filsafat Budha

"Kesabaran atau keuletan lebih mendatangkan hasil daripada tenaga dan amarah."

"Orang kadang-kadang membuat kesalahan besar karena mereka mudah percaya omongan orang. Jika anda mendengar sesuatu yang tidak menyenangkan, anda harus mempertimbangkan dengan hati-hati apakah omongan itu hanya kabar angina atau fitnah belaka"

"Jangan terlalu bahagia bila sukses, dan jangan terlalu sedih bilamengalami kegagalan
Orang lebih sering tertipu oleh penampilan"
Buddhism: Brand Well“Buddhism” might be a label, but it is an important one. Thus is it important to uphold the name of Buddhism, and to declare ourselves as Buddhists (unless there are non-selfish reasons not to). There would be no Buddhism if the Buddha didn't label himself as Buddha, and his teachings as the Dharma. It's essential branding. Without branding, people won't know where to go for the Buddhadharma. While Buddhists practise not being attached to labels, labels should be used skillfully. If this is not so, Buddhists would, in the worst case scenario, gradually erase Buddhism from humanity's popular and thus thriving culture! It would be suicide for Buddhism.~ shian

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