Minggu, 09 Maret 2008

Filsafat budha

Emotions: Mindless CycleThere is a cheery new driver for the bus service I take. He greets almost every boarding passenger with a “Hello, good morning!” He also thanks alighting ones with an equally chirpy “Have a nice day!” At first, some frowned at his enthusiasm, which seemed unfounded - as if he shouldn't be so happy. Later, most got used to the “jolly good fellow”, even smiling to reciprocate his courtesy. Sometimes, for whatever reason, he doesn't greet some boarding passengers. When he encounters some who were previously greeted, who are then not greeted, they lose their previously ready smile, and frown at him instead - as if the driver was being rude by not greeting, as if he owed them a greeting. It's as if the passengers are caught in an “inevitable” cycle of indifference > displeasure > pleasure > displeasure > indifference >...Well, the driver had no obligation to greet anyone even once in the first place, just as he had no obligation to always greet everyone. Likewise, passengers had no obligation to ever be adversely affected by his greetings or the lack of them. The mind can be irrationally fickle, as it fluctuates swiftly and “mindlessly” between the qualities of curiosity, surprise, irritation, gratitude, kindness, desire, anger... This can be as disturbing as it is exhausting! Come what may (or not), why not just calmly smile the Buddha's smile?We have met the enemy, and he is us. - Pogo ~ shian

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