Minggu, 16 Maret 2008

Work of Dharma

When you do the work of Dharma,be sure you justconcentrate on the work and on Dharma,with no expectation of return from the work or from anyone,or you will be setting yourself upfor your own suffering. When you do the work of Dharma,be sure you have no one to pleasebut Buddha-Dharma-Sangha,and you owe it all to them for your work of Dharma. When you do the work of Dharma,it is practice, practice, and practice,and you will see a transformation coming over you in time,and you will feel it,and others can see it, too. Whereas, if you don't do anything,you will be the same,and you will feel the same pain,and others can sense your pain, too. Even with compassion from others,you still will have the pain,and the pain will not lessenuntil you concentrate fullyon doing the work of Dharma. Yes, there is the power,and there is the transformationif you seriously devote doingthe work of Dharmawith no distractionand no expectationexcept the respect for the Buddha-Dharma-Sangha.~ Desmond Chiong

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