Minggu, 16 Maret 2008

Grwoing old gracefully:

Growing old gracefully is not like what comes to you naturally.
Growing old gracefully is like the practice of Buddhism
Which has to be done actively and diligently and voluntarily guided by wisdom and not with greed.
No matter how old you are you still have greed. in fact you will have greed till death and perhaps beyond.
That's not good.

Because of greed some end up with artificaly means of life because of greed to stay alive.
Because of greed some end up with the burden of attachment to keeping their property their belongings their children etc etc etc.

That's not easy for you when you have to cut off the attachment when dead comes, and dead will not come easy then.

If my patients will listen i will tell them to start deatching while they are still healthy and getting old.
Detach from whatever you own what ever si in your name.
If you don't own much do not own more.
If you own too much start to unload and make the burden lighter and easier for you to go when the time comes.

Do not have too much attachment even to your children your grandchildren etc.....
Just owning and keep a property is a big attachment. most seniors will not willing give up where they live till they end up in the convalescent hospital and they are forcibly kept there against their will.

I know because that's when they call me for a psychiatrist consult.
I feel veyr sorry for theses folks but in all honesty i can't with good conscience let them go home.
they just can't care for themselves and they will still deny it.
Prepare while you can voluntarily.

I know this is a free country, a free world, but things can still be forced on you just because you did not prepare.
For an old couple to own their property is a big hassle.
I can't imagine how they can upkeep it in good order, taking care of the yard the plumbing the electricity the gadgets running the whole place in order.

I have seen old folks brought in psychiatric hospital having lived in filth in their homes.
They did not voluntarily let go.
Now they will head to convalescent hospital via the psychiatric hospital involuntarily.

I have advised many ahead of the disaster.
Some have listened and have benefited from it.
Some don't and face more peoblems later and i can't help because they had not listened and followed to give up.

Most doctors will not discuss this out of fear of "losing" their patients. that's unprofessional.
I tremble with fear when i hear old folks acquire new aquisitions.
Not because i have an ill will.but because of good will and the good wisdom that allow me to see
they are heading into hellish state before they even exist this state.

Yes that's a pretty straight talk.
But i have vowed to tell the Truth as a Buddhist and that's how i say it to myself and to others
that will listen to my wisdom.
This wisdom is hard to come by and i know it because i came after years of practice.
It is harder to put into practice.
I know it too.

But you have to pay heed to it and try to voluntary do it.
If you do you will have peace of mind from now till death and beyond.
If you don't do it to yourself or to your loved ones you will have a terrible time when death comes
Knocking on your door.


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